“Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me”.
Jesus - John 14:21a
“Following hard after Jesus is the heart’s natural response
when it has been captured and has fallen deeply in love with Him”.
-from “Captivating”
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I am sure the few of you who still check my blog have realized that I am not writing that much on it anymore. That trend will probably continue. It isn't that there aren't things going in my life. It is just that most of the things are either too boring or too personal to write about. Not to mention that currently my passion for writing appears to be on sabbatical. I am not sure why but that is the way it is. I hope you aren't too disappointed. I'd be surprised if anyone really is but there may be one or two. Thank you for continuing to check to see if I am writing. Perhaps in the near future something will be burning on my soul that I just have to share with you. Right now life is quiet and most of the work being done is internally - between me and the Lord. Good stuff but I guess I am not ready to share at this time. If I get to that point, I will put it on here. If you want to continue corresponding with me, leave me a comment on this note. God bless and thank you for your interest!