“Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me”.

Jesus - John 14:21a

“Following hard after Jesus is the heart’s natural response

when it has been captured and has fallen deeply in love with Him”.

-from “Captivating”

Monday, May 19, 2008

Is there an ark for sale?

Last night my roommates and I shared a new and I hope never repeated experience. Rainy season is here in full force. From what I understand it doesn't normally come until about June but it started at the end of April this year. The last couple of years it has been a very "weak" rainy season but not so this year. We get a major - huge - thunderstorm with gallons and gallons of rain almost every other day with a day of sunshine or at least clearer skies in between. Yesterday it was bright and sunny with big white fluffy clouds until about 4pm. Then the sky started darkening and we knew the rain was coming. About 3 hours later it hit. And it hit hard and fast. The rain poured down without letup for a good couple of hours. I didn't realize there was a problem until I heard the toilet in my bathroom making a "bloop, bloop" type sound. When I checked it out the water in the bowl had risen and there were actual air bubbles surfacing - hence the "bloop" sound. Of course I am not thrilled with this but I keep checking on it and the water doesn't overflow so I am not too worried. The problem came when I went to the kitchen to get a drink. As I flipped on the light I noticed that the tile floor in the living room off the kitchen that is normally white is brown. When I flip on that light for a better look I am aghast to see 2 or so inches of muddy brown water covering the entire floor with more pouring in from under the garage door. Of course I holler for my roommates and we all stand there a bit dumbfounded for several minutes. Then we run to the front of the house and see that the front porch, the driveway and the entire yard on one side is submerged in water. Even Maggie's car has water half-way up the tires. The water is going under the garage door - so of course we know the garage floor is flooded too - and then it is high enough to flow over the 4 inch step up into the living room and that is why the room is being flooded. It is still raining. Again we are standing there dumbfounded and wondering what to do b/c there is no way to divert water from the garage door or to get it out of the living room at the rate it is flowing in. We move a few things to higher ground and pray that the Lord would cause it to stop raining. He did and I praise Him greatly! A couple more inches into the living room and the water would have overflowed the step up into the hall and had free reign to all the bedrooms, the kitchen, etc. I am so grateful this didn't happen. As soon as the rain stopped the water receded. After the three of us tag teamed to push it out of the living room and through the garage we went to explore what happened outside. Even though the house sits low and the driveway has a rather steep incline to it this is the first time we have had a problem like this and there have been plenty of storms lately. Eva finally sees that a bucket got in the drainage ditch that surrounds the house here (that is the norm here) and had partially - almost completely - blocked the hole for the water to flow down. That is what caused the flooding. It was a bucket that had about 15 pounds or so of concrete mix in it that we use to block the heavy garage door from swinging too far open and crushing the wall behind it. The water was flowing so heavily from the road and down the driveway that it swept it into the gutter. What a mess!!! And actually the water lifted up a large concrete driveway paver and moved it several feet from it's spot. It must have been really flowing. Part of the problem is that we live on a dirt road that is seriously messed up from the gutter work that is going on all around our little neighborhood area. They have started some gutters on our road but never completed them before going and starting more in several directions around us. I believe that has compounded the problem. But all's well that ends well, right? The gardener, Joseph, will spend most of his time here today cleaning mud off the driveway, porches, etc. Eva and I did some last night but there is still a big mess. I wish there was a way to stop the flow down the driveway but until the gutters are fixed and the road gets some gravel we don't have many choices. The really amazing news is that we didn't lose electricity - except for about 5 minutes at one point. This is really huge b/c for the last 3 weeks or so every time there was a storm our power went out almost immediately. I do believe they fixed it. And I am grateful to the Lord that we didn't lose it especially during the time of the flooding. That would have been seriously challenging. Well the sun is shining this morning and the clouds are breaking up. I see blue skies. Hopefully a nice bright day will dry out a good portion of the water covering the road and and yard.

1 comment:

oliviakorum said...

You should have gone swimming in your garage!