“Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me”.

Jesus - John 14:21a

“Following hard after Jesus is the heart’s natural response

when it has been captured and has fallen deeply in love with Him”.

-from “Captivating”

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Answering some questions

1. Do you hear any birds in the morning? I do here a lot of birds but have not yet identified them. The neighbor across the street has two African grey parrots who sing and whistle all day. Occasionally Lee (my boss) will whistle to them and they answer back. It is a nice sound coming from them.

2. Do you hear roosters crowing in the morning? Yes I do and sometimes at other times during the day. There are chickens that run around loose on many streets and also goats. But not too many where I am living right now.

3. Are there coconut and palm trees around? yes there are. Many varieties and they are beautiful. I will try to get some pics of them on here for you.

4. Have you seen the ocean yet? NO!! But I hope to very soon. There are some beaches right in Accra but they aren't very clean so to go to a good one is about an hour's drive away.

5. Do children come to the door with fruit? I think at times they do but I haven't seen any since I arrived here. There are many little fruit stands on the roads and one just around the corner where we get good mangos and a type of pineapple that is good but not yellow like the ones in the states or in Liberia.