“Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me”.

Jesus - John 14:21a

“Following hard after Jesus is the heart’s natural response

when it has been captured and has fallen deeply in love with Him”.

-from “Captivating”

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Building Relationships

Tuesday night Margaret came back from her trip up north. Rather than having to ride on a bus which would take about 15 hours barring any problems, she was able to ride back to Accra with the family she had been working with the past week. John and Bess Russell live way up north in Wa, which is pretty close to the Burkina Faso border. Eva and I had planned a "welcome home" menu for Margaret and were so happy to be able to share it with her and the Russells. They also have two young children, Isaac and Rachel, who are just adorable. John is a "traveling" pastor and Bess is primarily a wife and mother but is also a nurse and so helps people all the time with illnesses and injuries. Margaret had been with them for about one week filming the different types of ministry opportunities they have and are involved with. These DVDs are then given to the churches and individuals who support the Russells. It was really neat to see where they live and to hear stories of God moving in these small villages, even a couple of villages where the people had not heard of Jesus Christ. It was an expected gift to break bread with this family and to also receive a prayer of blessing from them when they left for the guest house. I hope to be able to travel to their area sometime soon.

Eva and I are thrilled to have Margaret back home. She brings a special element of life to the house and the three of us just laughed and hugged and talked for quite awhile that night.

Wednesday - Amma came to the house for our lesson and got to welcome Margaret home. Amma and I did most of our lesson together and then Margaret joined us at the end. They talked some in Twi with me listening and trying to pick up on words and ideas. Then of course we just started talking and sharing and laughing. Amma stayed for dinner. It was really neat to have all four of us in the kitchen cooking and talking and then cleaning up. We had so many languages going. There was a little of Twi, a lot of English, a little French and a bit of Liberian English- oh and some pretension at a British accent:) I just enjoyed building the relationship among all of us. Amma doesn't have a lot of family support and has recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend. It was good to hear her share and to also see her laugh and really enjoy herself. She is a beautiful person - inside and out. I hope to spend many more evenings with her- sharing life, enjoying each other and getting to the things that really matter ( oh yeah - and of course learning Twi).

Tonight there is the possibility of 3-4 people coming over or we may end up with just us three roomies. Amma will come for another lesson and then Margaret's friend, Gifty, might join us. The Russells could be stopping by at some point to see the finished version of their DVD and then my "trotro friend", Sherri might be by also. Sherri, who is with SIM, has been given a real special treat of being invited to participate in her Ghanaian friend's wedding this weekend. So she is coming over for some pre-wedding beautification stuff. You ladies understand:)

Anyway, I am grateful to the Lord for the relationships that He is bringing. Pray with me that they are deep and meaningful and glorifying to Him.

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