“Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me”.

Jesus - John 14:21a

“Following hard after Jesus is the heart’s natural response

when it has been captured and has fallen deeply in love with Him”.

-from “Captivating”

Monday, September 8, 2008

Friends from Ghana in America!

Magaret (my roommate in Ghana) and me at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs after our debriefing.

Sherri Paulson - who works with SIM in Ghana and me.

Sherri, Margaret, Margaret's friend, Marley, and me on the architectural river boat tour in down town Chicago. (I highly recommend it if you get to Chicago - in the summer!)

Sherri, Margaret and I spent many hours together at our house in Ghana. It was really neat to be able to spend time with them here in the states.

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