“Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me”.

Jesus - John 14:21a

“Following hard after Jesus is the heart’s natural response

when it has been captured and has fallen deeply in love with Him”.

-from “Captivating”

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Morning peace

This morning I am sitting on my little front porch listening to the sounds of Africa - or at least Accra. The air is light and cool from a big storm last night clearing out the heat a bit. It is perfectly wonderful. There is a stillness and quiet behind the sounds. I hear the roosters still crowing (they really have no idea of time), saws and hammers working on buildings all around me, music booming from the restaurant just across the street, goats and sheep bleating, horns beeping in the distance and people talking - yet nothing is intrusive and there is a real peacefulness as I sit and listen and communicate with the Lord. These are special moments for me. Moments when I love being in Africa and am grateful for the amazing opportunity God has given me. I confess it isn't always this way. More often than I care to admit I do get tired of certain things - like being hot and sweating, being called "obroni", being viewed as a bank, being different... But this morning, this quiet, cool morning, I am enjoying the sounds of Africa. And these moments are happening more and more frequently. I breathe it in and thank God for his love and his plans and his goodness to me. I thank him for this moment of peace and beauty. Thank you Lord.

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