“Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me”.

Jesus - John 14:21a

“Following hard after Jesus is the heart’s natural response

when it has been captured and has fallen deeply in love with Him”.

-from “Captivating”

Thursday, October 18, 2007

An unusual special moment at the beach

One of the special moments was on Monday morning before we left. Mariah and I were sitting by the pool looking out over the ocean on a bright sunny morning. A few white, puffy clouds dotted a deep blue sky. The sun was strong and sparkled like diamonds across the water. It was magical. I was sitting there just looking and thanking God for what I was observing when Mariah said she was listening to Christmas music on her ipod. Sounds strange but it seemed appropriate. I asked her to play "O Holy Night" which is my favorite song year round. We sat there listening to a song talking about Christ's birth and falling on our knees in worship while we looked at this incredible creation that God had given us. Seems perfectly fitting to me. Truly there were many great moments this weekend but this one was just special. It was all focused on God and his mighty work. As it should be.

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