“Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me”.
Jesus - John 14:21a
“Following hard after Jesus is the heart’s natural response
when it has been captured and has fallen deeply in love with Him”.
-from “Captivating”
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Trying to heal
I have been a little quiet on here lately as I have not been feeling well. This weekend was spent at home trying to recover from some little bug I have picked up. My roommates have been so great in caring for me. I was bummed to miss a women's retreat over the weekend but Margaret brought me a stack of movies to watch on my computer so I didn't get too lonely. They have helped a lot. I am starting to feel a bit better but certainly not 100%. As you read this and think of me please pray for complete healing. I am trying to relax and not fight against this "unwelcome" down time God has provided. My parents come in less than two weeks and I have a lot to do. Not to mention all that needs to be done in the office. It is hard to not force myself to try to accomplish at least something even though I can't tolerate being upright for more than 10-15 minutes at a time right now. Ah to set aside my agenda and plans and schedule for something I didn't ask for and certainly don't want - doesn't come naturally. I just finished reading Hinds' Feet in High Places and the phrase "Acceptance-with-joy" keeps coming to mind. (Don't you just hate it when that happens:)) So in the midst of my asking God to please heal me so I can get busy, I am trying to relax and let go and accept with joy this side trip that I have been given. I don't know about African culture, but it isn't culturally acceptable in America to not be busy and to take the time to let our bodies heal from illness. I suspect it is generally human nature. We seem to be programmed to value busyness, even crazy busyness, over down time. If we aren't accomplishing something, then are we really valuable to life and society? These thoughts are formed from another book I read recently called The Search for Significance that challenges our "value in performance only" thinking and beliefs. I know - some of you are thinking I should stop reading. But I am glad that I have read some books recently that challenge my thinking, my assumptions and behaviors, my status quo. Well this about all my brain and stomach can handle at this moment so I am going back to bed. I am going to rest and give my body time to heal fully and try mightily to accept with joy this illness. You can pray for that too:) Thanks!
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