“Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me”.

Jesus - John 14:21a

“Following hard after Jesus is the heart’s natural response

when it has been captured and has fallen deeply in love with Him”.

-from “Captivating”

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Saturday night

Saturday night the current HCJB Global team here in Accra went out for dinner (except Joseph). We were celebrating a few things.

Here are Steve and Cyndie Iwan who just arrived to work with us in the office. They are SIMers who are on loan to us. Cyndie is helping at the missionary school here and Steve is doing all sorts of mechanical and technical things at the office. They have 4 children. Akwaaba! Welcome to Ghana. We are glad they are here.

We weren't specifically celebrating anything for Lee and Michelle but I had to take a picture of them:)

We were also saying an early farewell to Jeremy Maller. He has been here for almost 6 weeks and leaves at the beginning of March. But he will be back in June for two years as the Project Manager for the region.

Kevin and Dayna Garland are here for our big conference that starts on Weds. but they were able to come a week early to be tourists. We are so glad they were able to do that! Dayna works for HCJB Global in the communications department and Kevin is an IT man for a large company. I hope they can return to spend time with us again. It has been a blast having them here.


Unknown said...


What makes you think the way you are now is the way God made you?


Unknown said...

Yay! I finally get a mention in one of your posts.
Now it won’t work until our IT friend, George, comes and fixes it on Sunday.
But I get a mention because of IT? What about my beautiful complexon and wonderful personality?
