“Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me”.

Jesus - John 14:21a

“Following hard after Jesus is the heart’s natural response

when it has been captured and has fallen deeply in love with Him”.

-from “Captivating”

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Ministry of a different kind

Today was filled with a lot of Christmas festivities. Actually it started last night when Margaret, Eva and I had about seven single (mostly) girls over for the night. We started by watching "White Christmas" and eating junk food. I punked out early as I was still tired from two whirlwind weeks with my parents in town. But the rest of the gang stayed up and finished the movie. This morning we decorated our tree and made Christmas stockings. Everyone pitched in and it was very festive. Margaret fixed waffles and bacon. We finished off the monkey bread I had made and enjoyed Minute Maid juice. All these things are special here in Ghana - not stuff we would normally buy or make. It was delicious. Most of the girls hung out at our place for the rest of the day watching movies and talking. But I write about this for more than sharing a day's activities. What struck me was that this is a type of ministry God has given for me (and Margaret and Eva) that I didn't expect when I came here. I saw what this time together meant to these girls . One friend who lives fairly far out and by herself just lit up at every "treat" that we offered her. She was just glowing and smiling and so obviously enjoyed the special treatment and fellowship. Another friend mentioned that she feels so happy when she is at our house. I was incredibly touched. But it is the Lord and His gift of this house that I give praise to. When I first came here after signing the contract, I walked through each room and around the house praying. I prayed of course for God's protection over the house and those living here, but even more I prayed that this would be a house filled with God's love and peace and hospitality. I asked Him to pull me out of my comfort zone and to be open and relaxed with it. He had blessed me with such a gift and I want it to be a blessing to others. It was neat to see Him fulfill that prayer today -and even before today- but really specifically today. It isn't always easy b/c sometimes I am selfish. (Yes, I know you are shocked to read that but it is true). He has given me a roommate that is quite the extrovert and loves to have people over a lot. Sometimes this hard but as I keep praying and asking God to help me use the gift of this house for others, He gives me strength and openness to do it - and yes, enjoy it! I think back on a couple of specific homes that were havens of love to me (and still are) and I thank the Lord for giving me the opportunity to give that to someone else. So this wasn't a ministry that I had thought of or planned on but here it is - a ministry of a different kind. A ministry to single missionaries. Perhaps some love felt here will minister to one who might be lonely or worn out so that she can continue with the work God has brought her here to do. Pray with me to let God's love and joy flow through this home and that it would be a blessing to those who come here. Thank you.

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